There is a plan. It is written in pencil, but still it is a plan.
Why in pencil do you ask? Only because I tend to be a wee bit impulsive, and I want to make sure that I am making my plan thoughtfully and not impulsively. Last time I made a plan impulsively, I got myself this job that makes me want to stab my eyes out.
What's that? Oh what is this so-called Plan?
First, I get to quit this job. To coincide with my children's summer break and I will be home to parent my children instead of send them off to summer school and daycare (which the husband is adamantly opposed to. Don't ask why. That is a whole other Oprah that we just don't have time for.) If I don't stay home, we would have to find a nanny, which in our smallish town is not an easy prospect.
Second, I go back to school and get my master's degree. Here in comes the thoughtfully vs. impulsively. The program I am looking at has a Fall deadline of May 1st. I would have to commit and do all the paperwork (I have to write an essay, kill me know) and take/pass the GRE before then. That's kinda quick. So my plan is to take a class or two in the Fall, MAKE SURE I want to do this school thing, and start the program in the Spring of 2011.
Do I sound calm? I am working really hard at sounding calm. I figure if I practice hard enough with this calm thing, it may override the shrieking, panic-filled banshee that is rolling around inside me.
I have this little issue with change. And anxiety. The plan doesn't sit well with the issues.
I still have to contact the people in the program to make sure I can take the 2 classes I am looking at without being admitted, plus I have to apply to the grad school.
Plus I have to quit in such a lovely sweet way that my boss and former boss (same office) will right me letters of recommendation for the program.
The program? You're curious, you say... oh, well then. Master of Arts in Library Science. (Did that catch anyone off-guard?)
So what do you think of my plan?