Consequently, he is out the door at 7:30 on the dot and I now do mornings with the kiddo. Fed, watered, dressed by 8:10 so they can get on the bus before I can head to work. The bus comes anytime between 8:10 and 8:30. I cross my fingers for 8:15. I sit in my car across the street from where the bus picks them up just to make sure they get on.
Monday was uneventful until 9am. I get the call at work that the boy is sporting 102 fever and I need to come pick him up. Monday and Tuesday I am home with the boy watching bad tv and playing Wii. I have no vacation or sick time, so, oh joy!, the paycheck will fall a little short. Thank goodness for the husband's new job.
Tuesday, about 8:20am, the girl child comes running back to the house, as the neighbor boy is running back to his, shrieking something about how they have missed the bus and the boy needs to have his dad take them to school. I turned the girl around, explained that the bus wasn't even late yet, and I would wait with her for the bus. I didn't even make it to the corner before the bus was pulling up. I assume the neighbor boy got his dad to take him to school, since he wasn't there.
Wednesday, I decided that the boy child was well and ready to return to school. At 8:10 I am trying to shove them out the door, when the boy has a meltdown because he can't find some toy he thinks he needs to take with him. I peek out the door and lo and behold the bus is at the corner. The girl races for the bus and gets on. The boy is still mid-meltdown. The bus hesitates for a few seconds and drives off, girl on the bus, boy in the living room. I throw the boy in the car (my announcement that the bus left without him halted the meltdown) and chase down the bus. I have a general idea which way it goes. I see it cross a street up in front of me. As soon as it stops to pick up another child I have the car stopped boy out of the car and on the bus.
Thursday it is raining. I tell the kids to get in the car. They can sit with me in the dry car on the corner and wait for the bus. There are no other children in sight (we can see the stop before ours). So I listened to kiddos for 7 minutes telling me that they have missed the bus, which I promptly ignore, because I know there is no way in hell the bus was early on a rainy day. It wasn't. The bus came, they kids got out of the car and were on their way.
This morning was uneventful and getting ready and getting on the bus went just the way it was supposed to. Thank God for small favors. I even got to work at a decent time.
We won't even get into the craziness that student council is putting me through due to the fact that it is homecoming week. Let's just say that my feet and my thighs are killing me.

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